AWS-Azure Login via Windows 10

We use Azure Active Directory to provide SSO login to the AWS console and to access Data through any programming language from AWS SandBox we need to log in on the command line.


Steps to be followed :

1.      Open command prompt (cmd) using "Run as administrator" option.

2.      Type command "npm install -g aws-azure-login"


      3.   Install docker in your system. Reference Link →

      4.   Type command "docker run --rm -it -v ~/.aws:/root/.aws sportradar/aws-azure-  login"

      5.   Type command "az login"


      6.   If you are getting any error like above, then type "az login --allow-no-subscriptions" and note the "tenantId" where "isDefault" : true


      7.   Type command "aws-azure-login --configure"


Azure Tenant ID: {use your tenant id mentioned in Step 6}
Azure App ID URI: This you will get from your Azure settings of the app.
Default Username: Your EmailId
Stay logged in: skip authentication while refreshing aws credentials (true|false) true
Default Role ARN (if multiple): Your AWS ARN number
Default Session Duration Hours (up to 12): 1 (for me only 1 and 3 are working here)

       8.    Install AWS CLI in your system. Reference Link →

       9.    Restart your System.

     10.    Perform the following command to check the AWS version installed-


      11.   Type Command “dir ""“. This command will help you to get the directory aws is installed.

      12.   Type Command "aws-azure-login" and Type Microsoft username and password.


      13.   Authenticate the call and your connection will be establish. Now you can connect your code with AWS.

Note - Never share your TenantId with anyone.

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  1. Thanks for sharing this content. This is something great to get the set Up done. Keep posting such info.


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